Bridal Shower & Birthday Party Game Ideas You Haven’t Thought Of

Bridal Shower & Birthday Party Game Ideas You Haven’t Thought Of

Posted by Alanna Sharp on 2018 Jul 25th

Planning a birthday party or bridal shower? If so, you might be wracking your brain trying to come up with clever ideas to get your guests involved. Not surprisingly, it’s a difficult task, particularly if you want original ideas.

To help you out and get on track, we’ve come up with a few game ideas that your guests will be happy to participate in.

Put a Ring On It

Crank up the Beyoncé and have your guests literally put a ring on it with this game. Fill up a bowl with circled candy of any kind (just needs a hole in the middle) and then give your guests chopsticks. Players can only hold the chopstick with their mouth. Set a timer and as soon as you say “go” they have to get as many rings onto their chopstick as possible. The one with the most rings wins the game!

Wedding Crashers

Stack up plastic champagne glasses in a pyramid. Next, assemble two teams. Each team is given a bag of ping pong balls. The team to knock down their champagne glasses first wins the game. All glasses must be knocked down for the winner to be announced.

Give the Bride a Makeover

Print out photos of the bride without any makeup on. Next, each player is given cheap makeup and blindfolded. Once they are blindfolded they have to put makeup on the bride’s picture as best they can. They have one minute to get the job done. After that minute is up, the bride gets to choose the best makeup job.

Guess Which Oyster Contains the ____ Colored Pearl

This game is both fun and seriously incentivizing. Grab some of our vacuum sealed oysters (available in your choice of color) for this game. Next, gather your guests and have them guess the color of the pearl it contains. This is a fun way to get people to use their creative muscle. Whoever guesses correctly can win one of our gorgeous wish pearl pendants. Choose the bride’s favorite color for a more personalized selection. Our oysters are also available as twin pearls which your guests can be given as a prize to make a pair of earrings or to wear in their own locket. Not only is this game fun, but guests will love the fact they actually win a prize they want!

Birthday Party Candy Suck

Line up plates of M&Ms or any other oval shaped hard-shelled candy and give your guests straws. Next, give them a cup. Set a timer and then tell players to suck up as many of the candies as they can in a minute. The candies should go into the cup. The winner gets a prize of your choice!

Make your bridal shower or your next birthday party a blast for everyone there with these game ideas. And remember, the better the prize the more likely you are to get people to participate, so up the ante with killer gifts!

We hope you enjoyed reading about the different ways you can plan a memorable bridal shower or birthday party. And of course for all your bridal or or birthday party favor needs, do not hesitate to contact us. It will be our pleasure to help!
